Sermons from 2022
Building Lives that Honour God
Five Commitments of a Disciple Maker
The Two Foundations: Matthew 7
Join us as Devin P., our pastoral apprentice, shares a “testamessage” about how his story is a reflection of Jesus’ teaching in the Sermon on the Mount.
The Great Story: The Temptation of Jesus (Luke 4:1-13)
Jesus is both our Representative and our Example, and in the wilderness he was victorious over temptation and he shows us how we can face it as well.
The Great Story: The Anointed Anointer (Mark 1:1-13)
After the story of the Old Testament, God’s people spent a lot of time waiting. When would God make good on His promises? When would the Messiah come? Hundreds of years after the return to the Promised Land, a man came baptizing in the wilderness, and God spoke once again.
Q&A: How do we talk to other people about Jesus?
Most Christians know that Jesus calls us to reach the world with His Message and His Way. Yet, many struggle to live out that mission in their day-to-day lives. Does the Bible help? Is there a secret?
Q&A: What’s God’s view on marriage?
Why is the church involved in controversy on marriage? Does it come from the Bible? Does our society share God’s view on what marriage is?
Q&A: Are we in the end times?
Is Jesus’ return imminent? Do we see the signs of the times all around us? What do we do with that? Tune in as Pastor Josh covers what Jesus has to say about the last days
Q&A: If someone “prays the prayer” and nothing changes… do they go to heaven?
Walking up after a service to confess Jesus as Lord, raising your hand at a youth event, agreeing with your parents… many people claim the name of Christian while not knowing Jesus. What does the Bible say about being…
Q&A: Does prayer change God’s mind?
If God knows beginning from end and He’s working in all things, can we really change His mind through prayer?